Hello and welcome to the governors’ page of the school website where you can find out more about the school’s governors and the work that we do.
The Governors are all volunteers drawn from the Staff, Parents and the wider community. We come from a range of backgrounds and contribute a variety of skills, knowledge and expertise to the Governing Body. We meet as a Full Governing Body at least once every term. Sub-committees, which also meet once a term, focus on specific areas: The Quality of Education and People, Estates and Finances.
As a small village school, the role of the governors at St Bees Village Primary School is vital, as we ensure that your school leaders are providing the best possible education to help raise standards for all children who attend. We monitor and evaluate the work of the school by reviewing the effectiveness of the policy framework; progress towards targets; the effectiveness of the School Development Plan. Our main role is to challenge and support the Headteacher and the staff; the term often used to describe this role is ‘critical friend’. We do all this by acting with integrity, objectivity and honesty and always in the best interests of the pupils at St Bees.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents/carers, and professionals from other settings for their continuing support.